The Benefits of Dry Sauna
Opens the pores and flushes out the body’s toxins and impurities. It is the deepest cleaning bath in the world. The Sauna soothes and relaxes tired muscles, helps maintain clear, healthy skin, provides a cardiovascular workout, burns as many as 300 calories in a session, increases metabolic rate and improves circulation.
The Benefits of a Steam Room
Steam showers are a special place to relax, restore and renew body and
mind. Warms the muscles, induces better sleep, circulation, and softer skin. Invigorate the senses with a session in our steam bath.
Steam Bath & Dry Sauna $26
Aromatherapy to be added to your steam shower $23
Both steam and sauna systems provide similar benefits for your mental and physical well-being. The difference between a steam shower and a sauna is basically “dry heat” versus “wet heat”. Sauna room temperatures may actually be higher, but you may “feel the heat” more by adding steam. It really comes down to personal preference.
*Request this with your next body treatment!
Call or text 541-475-4677 to reserve your time.